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24 May 2012

Kyari Pamyu Pamyu

I can't get her songs out of my head!!!! pon pon pon, tsukematsu, miracle orange, candy candy.... WHY DO THEY HAVE TO GET STUCK IN MY HEAD LIKE THIS???!!??!?!?!?  'O'

I mean, yes I love the songs but when you've got one song stuck in your head for a whole WEEK and that's all you ever sing it gets a tiny bit annoying ._.
mleeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeh x)

It probably doesn't help that I watch her lives and guest shows on TV? ...o:)


I'm going madder than I was before! (Didn't know that was possible? :P)

20 May 2012

Toyota and Fossils

I already made vlogs about this but they're in Japanese and I guess not many of you understand Japanese so.. xD
Just had coffee and baumkuchen YUM!! :D

Wow I never finished this post! I'll just post it now I guess? :P It's from last weekend!!


I can't even remember most of what's happened since I last wrote... And I can't be bothered to write a long thing so I'll just say that we had the mid term tests so I got to have most of my afternoons off... one day I didnt even go to school I went to a flower festival with okaasan!! :D
And....yesterday was my host bros undokai and then he had a judo match and won for the firts time!!! :)
And then we ate at a soba restaurant!! Today was the Area ORT (orientation) for YFU students in Aichi ken and it was good!! ;)
It was nice getting to see everyone again!! And we didnt really have any problems (We being me and Jason) so we just chatted with the Returnee :D (Juri san or smthg..?)
Anyway... that's about it I guess :)

Well probably nlot but I can't remember anything else so tough :P


11 May 2012

Liz Lisa

Today.. I fell in love! xD
No not really :P But I discovered the clothes brand liz lisa! I've never actually actually seen any real clothes, just pics and vids but the stuff is so CUTE!! >w< Well, not all of it but most of it!!!
And so anyway the problem is that it's extreeeemely expensive!!!

...I just realized that maybe it's a good thing it's expensive! It means I can't go and buy loads!!! xP

So anyway I'd like to go to one of the shops at some point~ It's really popular here I think!!!

Anyway... random blog post over :P

PS: I started a vlog in english and then decided to continue in japanese coz im more at ease when I talk in Japanese for some reason!! xDDD

3 May 2012


It's Golden Week so there was no school today! :D
I got up at 7 and we drove over to Nagoya to go the early morning market!!
There was a lot of seafood and fresh fish and seaweed and stuff! It wasn't too pleasant seeing people chop up huge fish in front of your eyes but it was an interesting experience haha ;P
After that we went to this big shopping mall underneath the station!!
Soooooooo many shops O.o
When we got there, there was a biiig queue outside the JUMP shop!
Something about getting to win something...?

So anyway, we went to the pokemon centre first! It was packed with little kids with their buckets full of badges, towels, battle cards, pencils, folders, fluffy toys and so on..!
I was rather tempted to imitate them and buy a bunch of stuff too but it was really expensive >< (And seeing as I don't really have any money left..)

Next we went to the JUMP shop and I spent aaages looking at stuff!! There were loads of people there too! Almost impossible to move around x)
They had figurines, badges, keyrings, folders, stationary, mugs, T-shirts, posters, manga..... etc :D
I bought a bakuman file, a One Piece thing to put under paper when you write... dunno what that's called?!xp  and...a manga! the latest chapters^^
I don't really know many of the manga in it but oh well!! And with that there was a PET bottle holder which keeps it cold! And also a One Piece poster thing for measuring your height... xD
Oh and a little memo booklet too ^-^

Because I'd spent a certain amount, I was allowed to play a game and try to win something so I gave it to yuukun and he won 2 sticker sheets for me ^___^

Next was the totoro shop!! Well, more of a Ghibli shop...
Soooo many things!! So cute too!! >w< but these things were also really expensive .___.
Mleeehh! なぜ??! なぜ 日本 の みせ にも 高いの?!

There were also loaaads of those little machine things where you put 200 yen in and something comes out, you can't know what it is though so I didn't risk it hahahaha :D There were some real cute things though ^.^

Hmmmm what else?.... OH YEH! There was a mini pokemon convention thingy with loads of games and a big show on stage! Yuukun played loads of games and kept winning random things lol!

Then we went to a steak restaurant and I had a "hamburg" and also tried matcha au lait!! It's soooo おいしいいいい!! UMAI :D

Hahaha then we went to BOOK OFF <3 <3 I bought Harry Potter in japanese and coz it was only 105 yen and okaasan gave me 2 coupons i ended up paying only 45 yen~ ^_________^

I watched Kimi ni Todoke today too! And then went and helped Okaasan shop for charaben ingredients!
We have to get up at 4 tomorrow to make them ToT It's gonna be tough!!!!!!!
