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16 Oct 2011

Birthday! :)

It's my birthday in....2 days! :D Yaaaaaaaaay!! :D  I'll be 15! And then in 6 months I'm off to Japan xD
I'm so excited! :D But there's a bunch of stuff to do before that like medical things to sign^^

J'ai jamais écrit en français mais peut-être que c'est une bonne idée vu que j'ai des amis suisses aussi..:P
Alors je crois que vous avez compris ce que j'ai mis en anglais parce que c'est très facile à deviner ;)

 Recently I've been listening to KPOP!!!! (and Jpop too of course) and for some reason I don't seem to understand the people who love suju (super junior) .......  more than SHINee! xD
The trouble with me is that once I start listening to something I like then I listen to it non stop for hours and it gets on everyone's nerves xD lol :P

My brother started writing a blog recently and it's much more interesting than mine! >< I can't seem to think of anything appealing to write so I just don't write. (apart from the random times like now when I just ramble on about nothing!)
So yeh if you're bored then go check his blog out at    http://calebjohnwooding.blogspot.com/

That's enough chat now I think! I should probably pack my bags to go to England coz it's the HOLIDAYS!! XD