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13 Jun 2013

New phone

I got a new phone! At last! Haha :) It's a samsung galaxy pocket but prepaid so I don't have to spend 30 francs a month......
It's really cute! I downloaded whatsapp, fb messenger, kindle etc.. so yeh! It's so nice having something to read while I'm in the train or the bus.
The last post must seem very random..... so what happened is seeing as Johnny finished his GCSEs on Monday we thought we'd stay up all night, talking to eachother on facebook etc... We only lasted till 3.30 but it was good fun hehe. And I told him about my blog...and wrote Johnnnnyyyyyy!! lol :P

Anyways, I went to youth group today which was cool, we did the last 2 chapters of Découvre Dieu so it's the end of that and the youth group will go back to normal next week I suppose.. not really sure what it's normally like though!
I honestly have no idea why I'm still up.... I should be in bed, dreaming wonderful sweet dreams about lovely people, crazy cats and scary manga characters....
Speaking of manga, did I mention that I finished naruto? In a week! :P This is kinda bad but I'm quite happy with myself for reading it so quickly haha..... manga sure does consume A LOT of time though! I finally understand when people talk about naruto though so that's a plus. I also read Shingeki no Kyojin (Attack on Titan) and it's FREAKY!!!!! I didn't really like the look of it but it was just.... so.. intriguing!! So yeh, read all the chapters there are so far and it's pretty exciting.

Another thing I did today was walking Ella in the woods and just sitting down, shutting out all outside noises and distractions and just having some quality time with my daddy :3 (I mean God btw....) It was just so amazing! I felt really at peace and I could just pray and speak of my troubles and they would be lifted from my shoulders instantly.

Listening to Whom Shall I Fear ... I should listen to more worship music, there's some really cool stuff. I'm learning how to play By Your Side on the guitar :) And also Big Black Car and a few other songs...
I've been told to learn how to juggle by Johnny... so that's my challenge for tomorrow.. and he has to make sushi haha :P I need to dig out my violin from inside the chaos that is our storage room downstairs....... it's madness. You literally have to climb ontop of tents and chairs and strange things that look like lumps of wood...........
What was  I talking about again....? Gahh my mind wanders too much! On the bus on the way back home I bumped into Felix! :) He was in my class in 7e and 9e but was in China in 8e.... but yeh, he's half american (I believe) so we spoke in English :)

I should stop writing. I'm tired ._. Nighty nighty fellow birds

Jesus Culture-Your love never fails <3 <3 <3 Love this song!!

No wonder I can't bring myself to go to bed.. the music is so good I want to stay to listen to it....

Peace and Tea <3

Nao :3 Nyan! Gn!

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