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8 Jun 2013

Fun stuff

I just dyed David's hair blue! :D
That was fun, the way back home was not so fun though! I changed trains at Lausanne and the intercom came on saying that the next stop was Palézieux which is not where I wanted to go! I was ready to jump off the train and get another but it came on again saying the right stop!

Bref :) Yesterday YouthPlanet was cool aswell! There was a girl from school who came and we all played table football. Fun fun fun!

Okay so it's now Friday. Well it's actually 1 minute past midnight so technically it's already Saturday.... enfin bref.
Hummm so I just got back from Skylab which was just amazing! Everyone is so nice and welcoming! I helped organise the games and we did 2 games, one was 'your ideal man/woman' so you had to cut out parts of the body and stick all the bits together to make the ideal person...
The other game was 'Have you ever...' so we would say things like have you ever dressed up as a prince or a princess and if the answer was yes then you could stay standing and answer the next question. If your answer was no then you just sit down. And so the last person standing is 'the perfect man/woman' lol :P We put some really funny questions in!
We also made cupcakes :3 Om nom nom nom nom nom nommm

I'm so tired .__.

I was gonna write something really cool. But I forgot. So yeh, you'll just have to imagine something really awesome and that will be what I was gonna write.

Nyan! Gn my friends! ^_____^