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22 Mar 2013


I don't really know why I write so much these days, it must be to free me from my boredom or something. As if I didn't have more important things to do!! I really need to do some more Spanish, and I can't really say I can't work because of my cold.. Because that's not a good excuse, even if I do have one.


I met up with my sister Phili last night which was amazing!! It was so nice being just the 2 of us so we could talk as much as we wanted.
So we talked about what's been happening in our lives the past year.. (It feels so weird to not see my siblings all the time and yet so normal coz I'm used to it... Hopefully we'll all meet up this summer, I couldn't last year coz I was in Japan!)
And so we were talking and we got onto the subject of jobs. I still don't really know what I want to do or even can do, but I'm thinking something to do with languages.
There are loads of things I could do I just don't know about them so it would be cool to go to a university and see what courses they have :)

At one point I was thinking I could go to Africa or China or something and teach English (Or French or something..) aswell as telling them about the gospel and so I'd have to do a course on theology too...but I don't think I really want to be a teacher!!

I might change my mind at some point I guess, we'll see.

Another thing I could do is translate. I always thought I should try it, but the thing is I'm no good at translating, let alone translating simultaneously into several languages! I'd have to work really hard for that, and there are more and more people who speak many languages so I'm not sure how easy it would be to get a job.

I saw a video on yahoo recently about a man who was in his 20s I think, and he speaks 11 languages. Imagine being able to speak so many languages!
It would be AWESOME!!!!!!!
I set myself a goal: to speak 5 languages fluently before I'm 20. I don't know how easy this will be.. I mean I'm 16 now and I speak English, French and Japanese. However, my level in all of these languages is well.. very low! I went to school in English until I was 11 and then had to learn French and just when I was getting the hang of it I went and decided to go to Japan for a year! Which improved my Japanese a lot but didn't help with my English and French. Or my German..

At the moment I'm learning Spanish and not doing too well. I'm also studying German for my exams.

So if you count all the languages I'm studying or have been studying, it makes 5! I just have to become fluent in all of them. Easier said than done :P

This is getting really long.. and I've forgotten the whole point of this post.


I'll continue in another post I think ^^'


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