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9 Apr 2013


Books books books!! So many books I want to reeeaaad!
The last time I read through a book (well.. 3 books)  basically non-stop was when I read The Hunger Games, they're so good! I couldn't stop reading :O

I bit all my nails off while reading coz it was so exciting u_u

So yeh, I STILL haven't finished reading Birds without wings.... mleh :(
There are lots of christian books I'd like to read too. Like The Shack and.. can't remember any other names at the moment but there are plenty of them! Maybe I'll read them on my dad's kindle after my exams :D

I tried to read a book in German but gave up after a few pages.. >__<
It's really hard trying to study.. I keep getting distracted and writing in my blog and stuff ._.

Right! Time to work now. T____T