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16 Nov 2012

2 months..

In 2 months I fly back home.. that means I've been here for 8 months already!! It's kinda hard to believe... It's gone by so quickly!
I have so many things I want to do still! So many friends I haven't done stuff with! That's the problem with having 40 people in your class and loving every single person to bits... You don't have time to go do something with everyone :(

Until now I've had an amazing time! C: There are quite a few exchange students who are unhappy with their family or can't get the hang of Japanese.. and I'm not saying I'm very good at Japanese, but I can get along.. I can have fun with my friends even if I don't understand everything C: And I'm extremely happy here!! My host family isn't very strict, only sometimes, and so it hasn't been hard to fit in :) My host mother is adorable and even if my host brother is annoying at times I love him so much!!
I'm gonna miss them when I go home... And even though I don't see my host dad much, he's so nice and I'll miss him too!! LoveChan, the dog too ><
I'll miss my classmates too... everyone of them! It's crazy how everyone gets along! I mean usually in a class you have like groups right? And it sometimes gets a little mean at times... but in my class I've never seen anything like that! you have groups of friends but everyone loves everyone!
I<3愛~ 1I組大好き!!

I really hope I'll be able to meet with everyone again in the future!!!! Especially Kitty and people ><
Well anyway... I need to go back to studying for Jtest which is on Sunday and also school tests and JLPT which is in 2 weeks!! Ahhhh ><"

Ja ne~ xox